Erzsebet utca 25, Dombovar 7200, Hungary
+36 20 572 5972


Dissemination of knowledge and distributing research result and useful materials are one of the key objectives of the Emina Career Guidance Foundation. Since its foundation, Emina Foundation put a great emphasis on publishing the latest essays, researches, handbooks and learning materials as one of its core activities.

Since 2012 the Foundation published various handbooks as a result of project outcomes of international partnerships and leads researches in the fields of education, career guidance, job-seeking, job-retention, employability, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship with a special emphasis on topics that focus on young people and their opportunities in education and the job market. As a result an online library was set up that makes it easy for young people, educators, youth workers, psychologists and other experts to access the reading materials published by the Emina Foundation and its partners.

In 2021 Emina launched “Evolving education” video interview series that aims to give insights about the changing methods and outcomes of education in the 21st century. In the short videos youth workers and experts of youth-related topics present their projects and latest research results that can serve as models in various educational environments.

All materials can be accessed and downloaded free of charge.